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Welcome to Ohr HaTorah!

Welcome to Congregation Ohr HaTorah. We like to think of our shul as our second home, and we are so glad for you to join us!  

Chol HaMoed, Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah

Kol Nidre Appeal 5785

Congregation Ohr HaTorah is a Modern Orthodox congregation, built upon the following core values:

Torat Yisrael - We lead our lives guided by strong commitment to Torah and Halacha.

Mishpacha - We are a family, sharing in each other's smachot, supporting each other in times of need, and contributing our individual time and resources.

Bayit - We see our shul as our spiritual home, where we work on cultivating a relationship with HaShem through Mitzvot, Tefillah and Talmud Torah.

Or Amim - We engage with the modern world through the prism of Torah and tradition.

Ahavat Yisrael - We share a love for the Jewish people, are open-minded, and willing to learn from one another.

Medinat Yisrael - We strongly support the State of Israel and believe in its religious significance.

OHT offers a full range of services, classes, and programs, with something for everyone, including Daily and weekly prayer services, Torah study and educational opportunities for all interests, Chesed and social action programs, Social Events for all age groups, and robust Youth and Teen Programming. 

The doors of Congregation Ohr HaTorah are always open to warmly welcome anyone and everyone who would like to explore the richness and meaningful spirituality associated with modern Orthodoxy. We also recognize the important value of partnering and participating with the broader Atlanta Jewish community in the spirit of klal yisrael.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785